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Maintaining good hydration on hot days.

Fall high school sports seasons are in full swing, but it still feels like summer in Colorado. It’s a good time for parents and kids alike to think about what they put in their bodies before, during and after a workout. Dehydration can lead to fatigue, reduced concentration (and performance), and cramping.

There are myriad sports, energy and “water” drinks on the market today – and most are packed  with sugar or artificial sweetener, additives and other junk. So what’s the best way to stay healthfully hydrated on hot days? Women’s Health Magazine recently shared the best drinks for hydration, performance, recovery, among others – and we agree!

Best Drink for Hydration: Coconut Water. With natural electrolytes and few calories, 100% coconut water delivers.

Best Drink for Enhanced Performance: Coffee. Tests have shown that athletes can go longer and stronger with a moderate intake of caffeine.

Best Drink for Recovery: Low Fat Chocolate Milk. Surprised? Many people are. But chocolate milk’s combination of carbs and protein has been proven to support post-work out recovery more than traditional sports drinks.

Rotator Cuff Treatment

Understanding Rotator Cuff Tears and Treatment

A rotator cuff tear is a common injury, especially among athletes and active individuals. Understanding what a rotator cuff tear is, how it happens, and what treatments are available can help you manage your pain, avoid further injury and get on the road to recovery. What is a Rotator Cuff

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