Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome

Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome

Because the symptoms of tarsal tunnel syndrome (TTS) can be confused with other conditions, proper evaluation is essential so that a correct diagnosis can be made and appropriate treatment initiated. That’s why the place to start is with one of the accomplished and highly skilled specialists at OCC – Advanced Orthopedic & Sports Medicine Specialists […]

Post Tibial Tendon Dysfunction

Post Tibial Tendon Dysfunction

Post-tibial tendon dysfunction (PTTD) is a painful condition. Without treatment, the collapsed flat foot that develops from PTTD eventually becomes rigid, and arthritis develops in the foot and ankle. Post-tibial tendon dysfunction is usually progressive, which means it will keep getting worse, especially if it isn’t treated early. The place to get the right diagnosis and […]

Common Ankle Injuries Related to Winter Conditions

Common Ankle Injuries

Winter brings with it a unique set of challenges for foot and ankle health. The combination of icy surfaces, bulky footwear, and increased physical activities such as winter sports can lead to a higher incidence of ankle injuries. Understanding these injuries, their prevention, severity, and treatment options is crucial for maintaining mobility and health during […]

Minimally Invasive Bunion Surgery: A Modern Approach to Bunion Care

MIS bunionectomy

Bunions are a painful and sometimes unsightly foot condition that affects millions of people. Traditionally, bunion correction has involved open surgery with large incisions. However, minimally invasive surgery (MIS) bunionectomies are also available and are a great alternative, offering numerous benefits to patients. This procedure is now offered at OCC’s Advanced Orthopedics and Sports Medicine […]

Forefoot Fracture

Forefoot Fracture

Forefoot fractures can begin as very small injuries that do not cause severe pain. However, if the bone continues to experience stress, the crack will often deepen and widen, becoming gradually more painful. Eventually, in the worst-case scenario, the stress fracture may progress to become a full fracture. If a forefoot fracture is not treated […]

Talar Dome Lesion

Talar Dome Lesion

The top of the talus (ankle bone) is dome-shaped and is completely covered with cartilage. A talar dome lesion is an injury to the cartilage and underlying bone of the talus within the ankle joint. While symptoms may take months to develop, a talar dome lesion can cause pain, swelling, and more. This is why […]

Ankle Sprain

Ankle Sprain

Some people may not think ankle sprains are that serious. However, sprains need to be promptly evaluated and treated by highly competent orthopedic specialists like those at OCC- Advanced Orthopedic & Sports Medicine Specialists in Denver, Parker, or Aurora, Colorado. Sprains untreated or not adequately rehabilitated, or repeat injuries all can cause chronic instability—a condition marked […]

Bone Spurs

Bone spur

The average person who lives to be 80 years old will walk the equivalent of five times around the world. That’s a lot of steps. So, it’s not surprising that many people develop foot and ankle problems, including bone spurs. Although they can develop on the hands, knees, and spine, they’re particularly common on the foot. […]

Chronic Ankle Laxity

Chronic Ankle Laxity

When someone experiences repeated ankle sprains without the right rehabilitation, it can damage and weaken the ligaments, leaving the ankle in a weakened and unstable state. This leads to chronic ankle laxity or instability (CAI).  Incomplete healing after an ankle injury may result in continued deterioration of the ligaments and a cycle of chronic instability […]

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