Scare tactic or serious? 5 Spooky Stories About Joint Health:

We’re celebrating Halloween all week long by debunking common myths. Read on to learn the facts.

MYTH #1: Exercise makes arthritis pain worse.

FACT: Lack of exercise can actually make joints feel stiff. One of the most important ways to maintainĀ strength,Ā range of motion and even minimize arthritis pain is through regular exercise. All joints need rest between exercise sessions, and you should be sure to work with your doctor to selectĀ theĀ right exerciseĀ regimenĀ for you, but don’t assume that exercise will make your symptoms worse.

MYTH #2: Popping Your Knuckles turns your hands into claws fit for a zombie.

FACT: The sound you hear when you crack yourĀ knucklesĀ is actually theĀ releaseĀ of gas from between your joints, which some may consider as gross as zombie claws. But making that cracking sound does not cause joint damage nor will it causeĀ arthritisĀ or zombie symptoms.

Myth #3: You canā€™t be active after joint replacement surgery.

FACT: WeĀ don’t have to look farĀ to know that joint replacement has allowed so manyĀ peopleĀ to maintain their level of activity – after a proper recovery, of course. In fact,Ā that’s the motivationĀ for many to consider a joint replacement: the ability to Be Active and pain free! WithĀ today’s minimally invasive options, many patients are walking and participating in other activities very soon afterĀ theirĀ procedures, and return to their pre-surgery activity levelsĀ with properĀ rehabilitation.Ā 

MYTH #4: There is no such thing as ā€œgrowing pains.ā€

FACT: Growing pains are actually something more than a cheesy 80ā€™s sitcom. They are a real ā€“ and common ā€“ part of growing up. As the name implies, growing bones cause the pain, but many children also feel this type of pain after particularly active days. The trick for parents is to watch for symptoms that could be more serious, such as tender, red or swollen joints, weakness or chronic stiffness. While many kids do simply have growing pains, see a doctor if you child has ongoing pain so they can be treated and prevent long-term problems.

Happy Halloween! We wrap up our week of scary stories with Myth #5: The mostĀ seriousĀ sports injuries typically occur at the highest levels of competition.

FACT: It isĀ true that, on average, the rate and severity of injury increases with a child’s age. ButĀ STOPSportsInjuries.orgĀ reminds us that high school athletes account for an estimated 2 million injuries, 500,000 doctor visits, and 30,000 hospitalizations each year; and children ages 5 to 14 account for nearly 40 percent of all sports-related injuries treated in hospitals.

Tendonitis Of The Biceps
Arm & Elbow

Tendonitis Of The Biceps

Tendonitis of the biceps isnā€™t just about pain, although there is plenty of that: pain that interferes with your activities of daily living, pain that interferes with your sleep, chronic sharp pain with persistent inflammation that can lead to a long list of complications and long-term consequences from progressive shoulder/arm


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