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hip fracture

Hip Fracture

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Orthopedic surgeon - pickleball injury

Beyond Surgery: How to Partner with an Orthopedic Surgeon to Be Active in Your Health

Eager to get out and Be Active this summer? Between spring showers and the lingering impacts of a full year of quarantine life, many people are more excited than ever to get back to sports, fitness and other activities that move them. But if a bone or joint issue has been holding you back, now may be the perfect time to partner with an orthopedic surgeon to get ready for an active summer. Partnering with

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Sports Injury Prevention for Spring Sports

Sports Injury Prevention: Spring Sports Conditioning and Rebuilding Good Habits are Key

PLUS: Tips for Young Athletes For many people, the past year has been hard on our bodies. We fell out of our routines and took on new ones, some to the detriment of our physical fitness. Even our kids are feeling the difference from shortened or canceled sports seasons, missing P.E. and recess at school, or even the walk to school itself. If you (or your kids) are closer to setting a PR (personal record)

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torn ACL

Does a torn ACL always require surgery?

Torn ACLs are a common result of active lifestyles. Nationally, hundreds of thousands of ACL tears occur each year. The vast majority of ACL injuries – experienced more frequently by athletes and females – are often the result of sudden movements such as a pivot on the soccer field or a sharp turn on the ski slope. ACL tears typically present with pain, swelling, discomfort and loss of knee stability. But the severity and symptoms

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Tiger Woods Injury

Understanding Tiger Woods’ injury

On February 23, golfing superstar and icon Tiger Woods was involved in a rollover crash in California. This made world news but we wanted to give a description of his injury from an orthopedic surgeon’s perspective. The exact details of Tiger Woods’ injuries are still unclear, but we do know that he sustained a “compound fracture” to his ankle and lower leg. We hear this term often but what does it really mean? A “compound

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shoulder replacement surgery, what are your options?

Considering shoulder replacement surgery? Options and what to expect

Shoulder replacement surgery is a procedure that is done to reduce pain and restore overall shoulder mobility. There are several types of shoulder replacement surgery, the most common include: reverse shoulder replacement, partial shoulder replacement and shoulder resurfacing. As with many surgical procedures, shoulder replacement surgery is often highly successful, but typically pursued only after other non-surgical options have been exhausted. Before recommending surgery, your orthopedic surgeon will want to ensure you are a good

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texter's thumb

In the year of online everything, texter’s thumb is poised to increase

Forget shop till you drop, this year it might be shop until your hands hurt. Mobile shopping is expected to have its biggest season ever, and experts forecast that US Android users alone will spend more than 1 billion hours on their devices in the fourth quarter. That’s a whopping 50% more than the same time last year! While all this mobile device use can make your holiday to-do list disappear, it can also wreak

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Back pain, need a spine surgeon

When should you see a spine surgeon?

Spine surgeons know that your spine is one of the most critical parts of your body, because it protects the spinal cord – that essential collection of nerves that carry messages from your brain to the rest of the body. It also plays an important role in supporting your posture, especially your head and neck. If you have severe or chronic back or spine pain, it’s likely that you’ve seen some kind of doctor to

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