shovel correctly to save your back

Shovel Again? Protect Your Spine and Joints

Dr. Jacobson demonstrates how to shovel correctly.

  1. Keep your arms close to your body and use your core for strength and stability.
  2. Make small scoops, especially with heavy, wet snow.
  3. Avoid throwing snow great distances. Instead, push the snow.
  4. Pace yourself. Shoveling is cardio and strength training rolled into one.
  5. Purchase a good shovel, one that allows for a hand grip closer to the shovel head for better lifting.
Tendonitis Of The Biceps
Arm & Elbow

Tendonitis Of The Biceps

Tendonitis of the biceps isn’t just about pain, although there is plenty of that: pain that interferes with your activities of daily living, pain that interferes with your sleep, chronic sharp pain with persistent inflammation that can lead to a long list of complications and long-term consequences from progressive shoulder/arm

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