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Denver back pain specialists

Does your golf buddy have the solution to your knee or hip pain?

Knee or hip pain can be excruciating and when you are in pain, you want relief – pure and simple. And there is no shortage of advice on how to fix your joint problem, right? If your pain is keeping you from being active, you’ve probably had plenty of advice from well-meaning friends, fellow sports enthusiasts or family members – “you need surgery!” says one, “avoid surgery at all costs!” says another. Knee and hip

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HIP CHECK: Preventing and Recovering from Hip Injuries

Fall sports are already in full swing and preparation for winter sports is gearing up. At Advanced Ortho, our goal is to provide our community with the guidance, resources, and services you need to keep you active and enjoying all the seasons that Colorado has to offer. Sports are as diverse as the seasons, but several fall and winter sports – football, ice hockey, gymnastics, soccer, skiing and figure skating – share body movements that

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Cheerleader, Coach or Clueless? Parents: What’s Your Role in Youth Sports?

Whether you’re a life-long athlete or an armchair quarterback, if you are a parent, you likely keep a very close eye on your own young athletes. From workouts, to developmental progress, to performance, parents have a vested interest in their children’s athletic experience. And that’s a good thing, says Dr. James Ferrari, Advanced Orthopedic surgeon. “Young athletes absolutely need their parents’ support and guidance as they navigate their sports experiences – even if the parent knows

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A sparkler burns at a toasty 1,200 degrees!

A sparkler burns at a toasty 1,200 degrees! That’s hot enough to cause very serious injury. The 4th of July is a great time for celebration and it’s also a really important time to be safe. The Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) says fireworks are the cause of more than 10,000 injuries annually; and hand, arm and finger injuries account for 30-50% of all reported injuries. It’s always a great idea to sit back and let the professionals handle the

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low back pain exercise, Denver back pain specialists

How I love this spine of mine

The spine is one of the most amazing and important parts of the human body – it’s both strong and flexible at the same time – often more than we even know. We put strain on our spines in the course of everyday life and most of the time, our strong backbones can handle it. But if you’ve had back pain, you know that when something goes wrong it can be debilitating. If not, you’ll

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MAKOplasty: Advanced Orthopedic’s less-invasive option for knee osteoarthritis.

Are you sitting on the decision to relieve your knee pain? As we age, countless adults fight through knee pain or stiffness that occurs while standing, walking short distances or starting from a sitting position. Colorado has one of the nation’s fastest-growing aging populations and in six years, there will be more than 1.3 million Coloradans age 60 or older. But an active life after 60 isn’t for sitting, it’s for doing – embracing your

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shoulder pain

How Does Playing Injured Impact Performance? Focus on the Shoulder

We see it all the time in pro sports, athletes compete when they are not 100% and often try to mask injuries to stay on the field ice or court, especially when the season is on the line. Seattle Seahawk Earl Thomas boasted days before the Superbowl that he has played injured all his life, driven through pain and physical setbacks by his passion for competition. New York Rangers hockey star Ryan McDonagh recently played

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On the Job Wellness: Is your desk job killing you?

It’s spring in Colorado! The weather has been great and many of us have been taking advantage of the warm days to be active. But even on the most gorgeous of days, many of us still fall victim to that perennial fitness killer, the desk job. It doesn’t matter if you do your work in an office, at home, or in a coffee shop, if you spend a significant part of your day hunched over a

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