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ankle instability

Selecting the Right Treatment Option for Ankle Instability

Ankle injuries are very common. Most ankle injuries are the result of straining one of two ankle ligaments (the anterior talofibular ligament and the calcaneofibular ligament.) Many ankle ligament injuries resolve with conservative care such as air casts, activity limits, and medication that treats pain and reduces inflammation. But some people experience repeated ankle sprains, incomplete rehabilitation, or an ankle injury that never fully recovers, which can result in lengthened ligaments and ultimately produce ankle

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neck pain relief

Cervical Pain: Finding the Right Treatment for Neck Pain Relief

Neck pain can range from minor pain to unbearable, and can often be traced to degenerative conditions, genetic circumstances, or trauma. For patients seeking neck pain relief, a proper diagnosis is essential to finding the right treatment. The cervical portion of the spine is comprised of the seven stacked vertebrae that begin at the base of the skull. Intervertebral discs cushion the vertebrae while the spinal cord and nerve roots throughout the spinal canal relay

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When to go to Urgent Care

ER, urgent care, or a doctor’s office…Where should I go for care with an orthopedic injury?

When you need orthopedic care, choosing where to go and when is an important first step in finding relief. It is important to remember that if you are facing a life-or-limb-threatening emergency, calling 911 and going to the emergency room is the right thing to do. How do you decide whether to visit a physician’s office, urgent care, or an emergency room?  To ensure you get the right care at the right time but do

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UCL reconstruction or Tommy Johns

UCL Reconstruction (aka Tommy John Surgery): Effective Treatment for Overuse Elbow Injuries

Ulnar Collateral Ligament Reconstruction, more commonly known as Tommy John surgery, is the treatment for an overuse injury that strains the ligament on the inside of the elbow and leads to an ulnar collateral ligament (UCL) tear. Summer sports are in full swing! As athletes take to the court, trail or field, the surge of intense, repetitive activity can lead to muscle and joint stress, strain or injury. It’s natural for athletes of all levels

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spine pain

Spine Pain Treatment Options: The Keys to Upper Back Pain Relief and Lower Back Pain Relief

Millions of people seek relief from upper back pain or lower back pain each year. While it comes in many forms, all spine pain can disrupt your daily life. Fortunately, many cases are not severe. A great deal of upper back pain or lower back pain is caused by soft tissue strain and sprains that are easily treated. Most can resolve in a matter of weeks with conservative treatment. There are also a variety of

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Tennis Elbow

Avoiding Tennis Elbow

Exercises to Avoid Tennis Elbow Golf and tennis seasons are in full swing, and that means people are playing more rounds, more frequently. As you increase your play, be mindful of repetitive movements that can lead to overuse injuries such as tennis elbow, and consider these exercises to avoid tennis elbow. What is Tennis Elbow? Lateral epicondylitis, more commonly known as tennis elbow, is the result of strained tendons in the forearm. Tennis elbow affects

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achilles tendon

Achilles Tendon Treatment Options

Achilles tendon pain treatments offer effective relief for tendonitis and Achilles tears. Although Achilles injuries are often the result of repetitive sports movements, daily activities can also lead to a tendon injury. Frequently, Achilles injuries are the result of a rapid increase in activity such as repetitive sports movements or increased daily activities that can place significant stress and strain on the Achilles and lead to injury. Our bodies perform best with regular activity, and

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ACL Reconstruction and ACL Tear

ACL Reconstruction

Of the four ligaments that stabilize the knee joint, the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) is one of the most commonly injured. The ACL supports front-to-back and rotational joint functions. It is very strong but not very elastic, so sudden twisting or stopping movements can cause it to stretch or tear possibly requiring ACL reconstruction surgery. Spring sports in Colorado – from spring skiing conditions to slick, wet, or snowy surfaces – provide the unpredictable terrain

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