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tips for rotator cuff surgery

Patient Perspectives: 8 things you should know before having rotator cuff surgery

Top tips from a working mom, a caretaker, an elite athlete and a retiree who’ve been there, done that. A rotator cuff tear is a common repetitive motion injury, caused by occupational and recreational activities, and can also occur more often as we age.  They can also occur with a specific traumatic event. According to the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, nearly 2 million people experience pain or limited range of motion due to rotator cuff

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Flip Flop Running equals Plantar Fasciitis

Are your summer activities causing plantar fasciitis?

It’s sandal season! And while that might make you (and your toes) jump for joy, the rest of your foot might not feel the same. In fact, many people experience pain on the bottom of their heel as warmer weather allows us to trade in shoes and boots for flip flops and bare feet. A condition – called plantar fasciitis – is the most common cause of pain on the bottom of the heel according

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knee replacement

5 Signs You May Be Ready for Total Knee Replacement Surgery

“You’ll know when the time is right.” That’s what some doctors tell patients with persistent knee pain, when they ask whether they should have total knee replacement (TKR) surgery. Of course, it’s not always that easy to tell. Yes, you may have arthritis and may suffer from joint pain when you bend your knee, but you may not think it’s serious enough to consider surgery. There may be advantages to waiting – total knee replacement

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spinal fusion for back pain

Can Spinal Fusion For Back Pain Help You Play Golf Like Tiger Woods?

Understanding the Back Pain Treatment that Propelled the Pro Golfer to a Masters Win For his recent victory at the 2019 Masters Tournament, which many sports commentators are calling one of the greatest career comebacks of all time, Tiger Woods owes a lot of credit. First, of course, to his own tenacity, discipline, and skill. But the 43-year-old golf legend also owes a debt of thanks to the spinal fusion surgery he underwent two years

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elbow pain

How do you treat elbow pain?

Elbow pain can result from repetition or overuse of your arm during your favorite activity or the result of a new fitness routine that has you challenging your body in new ways. Being active is important, so whether elbow pain is a result of chronic overuse or new use, it’s time to figure out the reason behind that persistent pain. Identifying potential causes of elbow pain The key to properly treating elbow pain is to

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Hurt Knee Skiing

Hurt my knee skiing

Avid Colorado skiers know that it’s been a good year so far, with snow levels pacing well ahead of last year. This is great news for locals who want to get in as many days as possible, but bad news if you hurt your knee skiing all that great powder. When people overdo it or get into terrain that is beyond their ability, knee injuries are common. If you hurt your knee skiing, there are

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Dr. Roger Greenberg Retirement

Inspiration from the Desert: How Dr. Roger Greenberg Lives a BeActive Lifestyle in retirement

Dr. Roger Greenberg retired from Advanced Ortho at the end of 2016, but that doesn’t mean that his schedule is any less active. After spending more than 38 years helping hundreds of patients be more active, he and wife Diane lead an incredibly active life splitting their time between Denver and California’s Coachella Valley desert. The couple’s schedule routinely starts at 6 am with a walk for Corzo and Skosh, their two Portugese water dogs,

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runner’s knee pain

Did summer running season wear you down? How to cope with runner’s knee pain.

What is Runner’s Knee Pain? Runner’s knee pain can encompass a wide range of aching pain around the kneecap that impacts runners and non-runners alike. Runner’s knee, also known as patellofemoral pain syndrome, often presents as discomfort that is experienced when bending down, walking downhill or descending stairs. The pain from runner’s knee may be an indication of bone misalignment or a muscular deficiency; however, it is frequently the result of repetitive movements, high-impact training

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