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Jared L. Michalson, MD

Jared L. Michalson, MD

Jared L. Michalson, MD is a highly experienced orthopedic surgeon specializing in orthopedic trauma, severe fractures of the upper…

Acetabular Fracture

Acetabular Fracture

An acetabular fracture is a break in the hip socket. These are relatively rare injuries and are extremely challenging orthopedic injuries to repair. This is because, at times, an acetabular fracture leaves multiple small fragments of fractured bone and cartilage, “puzzle pieces” that must be brought back together to restore hip function and mobility. Additionally, […]

Hip Resurfacing

hip resurfacing

When hip pain gets to the point that it impairs movement and functionality, it should never be ignored. Many people wait to consult a doctor because they are concerned it will mean they require a total hip replacement. Hip resurfacing, although not a term as familiar as hip replacement, is a more conservative procedure where […]

Hip Impingement

Hip Impingement

Femoroacetabular impingement — also known as FAI or simply as hip impingement — is a common condition affecting competitive athletes and active older adults alike. With appropriate proactive treatment, many individuals with FAI can return to the playing field or their active lifestyle without pain and discomfort. The word to consider closely here is “proactive.” […]

What is a Hip Osteotomy and when can it relieve hip pain?

hip osteotomy

What is hip osteotomy surgery? Hip osteotomy is the process of cutting or reshaping bone – in this case, the bones of the hip joint – to improve joint alignment or function. The hip’s ball and socket joint is where the femur and the pelvis come together. Hip osteotomy surgery strengthens the hip by realigning […]

Hip Fracture

hip fracture

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What is causing my hip pain? A look at top causes and how to treat them.

Hip pain

As the largest, and one of the strongest joints in the body, your hips can put up with a lot of repetitive motion and wear. Cartilage cushions the ball-and-socket to allow for smooth rotation as you walk, run and move.To keep your hip moving smoothly, a complex network of bones, cartilage, muscles, ligaments, and tendons must […]

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