Synovitis of the Hip
Synovitis is swelling (inflammation) in the synovial membrane that lines some of your joints, including your hip joint, and can cause considerable pain. If left untreated, your hip pain may continue to worsen, which can make movement increasingly difficult. You can develop more and more synovitis which can eventually lead to the destruction of articular cartilage which is […]
Osteonecrosis of the Hip
Also known as avascular necrosis (AVN), osteonecrosis of the hip can cause pain which can be debilitating in and around the hip joint. In the vast majority of cases, the condition worsens over time, and without treatment, it can cause the tissue in the hip to die, and the affected bone in the hip joint […]
Inflammatory Arthritis of the Hip
Inflammatory arthritis of the hip can cause a wide range of disabling symptoms. Patients with long-standing inflammatory arthritis or those who do not respond to medical treatment may end up with joint destruction, which can lead to the need for a joint replacement. Although there is no cure for inflammatory arthritis, there have been many […]
Hip Resurfacing
When hip pain gets to the point that it impairs movement and functionality, it should never be ignored. Many people wait to consult a doctor because they are concerned it will mean they require a total hip replacement. Hip resurfacing, although not a term as familiar as hip replacement, is a more conservative procedure where […]
What is a Hip Osteotomy and when can it relieve hip pain?
What is hip osteotomy surgery? Hip osteotomy is the process of cutting or reshaping bone – in this case, the bones of the hip joint – to improve joint alignment or function. The hip’s ball and socket joint is where the femur and the pelvis come together. Hip osteotomy surgery strengthens the hip by realigning […]
Hip Fracture
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Colorado: Hip Pain Keeping You from Being Active?
3 Common Causes of Hip Pain and Answers about Treatment Pain in any load-bearing joint, like your hip or knee, can be very debilitating and have a huge impact on day-to-day activities and quality of life. And while minor hip pain can often be resolved with conservative measures such as rest, pain relievers, and ice […]