Jayce A

I just wanted to thank Dr. Hurley for fixing my arm and putting my cast on.

Kathy V

Thank you Dr. Hurley for the excellent care I received from you. Before you did the surgery on my elbow and wrist, I could barely bend or rotate my arm. The surgery really got my arm moving much better, and allowed me to make progress. I really appreciate the excellent work you did and your […]

Virginia R

I want to thank Dr. Hurley for all you have done. I am anxious to test my thumb on the tennis court when I am all healed up! Thanks again.

Judy M

Dr. Hurley: Your expertise has restored the functions of my right hand and I am very grateful. Have a Happy New Year.

Vickers M

Dr. Hurley, we so appreciate your expertise in both your surgical and patient care! Thank you so much for your encouragement every time we came for post-op visits. I had heard such wonderful reports from the patients whom I referred to you! Now I have seen your handiwork and wonderful manner as you cared for […]

Virginia S

Thank you for all of your expertise with my hand problems Dr. Hurley. It’s great to know that I have the best hand surgeon in Denver!

Scott C.

I just wanted to thank you Dr. Hurley for seeing me on such short notice for my finger. It seems to be responding well to the Augmentin.


Thank you Dr. Hurley for all your help and concern. And thank you for fitting me into your busy day.

Colleen H.

Thank you so much Dr. Hurley for all your patience and help this past week…you’ve gone above and beyond in my whole bike crash ordeal… I just want you to know how much I appreciate it!!

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Due to the weather, OCC Advanced Orthopedic with be closed today.

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