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Bone Spurs

Bone spur

The average person who lives to be 80 years old will walk the equivalent of five times around the world. That’s a lot of steps. So, it’s not surprising that many people develop foot and ankle problems, including bone spurs. Although they can develop on the hands, knees, and spine, they’re particularly common on the foot. […]

Understanding Rotator Cuff Tears and Treatment

Rotator Cuff Treatment

A rotator cuff tear is a common injury, especially among athletes and active individuals. Understanding what a rotator cuff tear is, how it happens, and what treatments are available can help you manage your pain, avoid further injury and get on the road to recovery. What is a Rotator Cuff Tear? The rotator cuff is […]

AC Joint Pain

AC Joint Pain

Pain in the shoulder’s acromioclavicular (AC) joint is a common problem that can be severe and persistent enough to interfere with your daily routine. It can be hard to do the things you’re used to doing because movements like putting on a seat belt or reaching for something high up can be painful. Advanced AC joint injuries […]

Femur Fracture

Femur Fracture

A femur fracture is a serious injury that usually causes immediate, severe pain. You will not be able to put weight on the injured leg, and it may look deformed—shorter than the other leg and no longer straight. The break may also injure the muscles, tendons, ligaments, and nerves of the leg. When a femur […]

Compartment Syndrome

Compartment Syndrome

Compartment syndrome is a painful condition that is the result of a buildup of pressure around a muscle within a muscle compartment. This pressure can decrease blood flow and prevent nourishment and oxygen from reaching nerve and muscle cells, which can lead to tissue death and permanent damage. You can get the best help from […]

Chronic Ankle Laxity

Chronic Ankle Laxity

When someone experiences repeated ankle sprains without the right rehabilitation, it can damage and weaken the ligaments, leaving the ankle in a weakened and unstable state. This leads to chronic ankle laxity or instability (CAI).  Incomplete healing after an ankle injury may result in continued deterioration of the ligaments and a cycle of chronic instability […]

Pain Relief Through Non-Invasive Neck and Spine Treatments

Pain Relief Through Non-Invasive Neck and Spine Treatments

If you’re seeking relief from neck or spine pain without surgery, read on to explore various non-invasive neck and spine treatment options, lifestyle adjustments, and supportive care options to help manage and alleviate your discomfort. What types of non-invasive neck and spine treatments are available? There are various treatments for neck and spine pain that don’t […]

Mortons’ Neuroma

Mortons’ Neuroma

With Morton’s Neuroma, what may start out feeling as if you’ve got a pebble in your shoe can progress and have serious consequences. This thickening of the tissue around one of the nerves leading to the toes can lead to long-term nerve damage and permanent loss of sensation. Typically, there’s no outward sign of this […]

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