Runners Knee – Patellofemoral Syndrome

Runner's knee

The knee is one of the body’s most important physical features. You could not move your leg in any direction or perform routine actions such as standing, bending, or walking without it. Additionally, the knee supports the upper body’s weight and helps you remain upright. Considering the knee bears so many heavy responsibilities, it should […]

Parker Residents Ask: Why is my knee pain worse when the weather turns cold?

Knee Pain Parker, CO

It’s almost officially winter here in Colorado, and, as we have more cold days, we hear from many Parker residents whose knee pain (or other joint pain) consistently feels worse as temperatures drop. If this feels like you, you’re not imagining things. Many people who suffer from knee pain report worsening symptoms – including stiffness, […]

Does a torn ACL always require surgery?

torn ACL

Torn ACLs are a common result of active lifestyles. Nationally, hundreds of thousands of ACL tears occur each year. The vast majority of ACL injuries – experienced more frequently by athletes and females – are often the result of sudden movements such as a pivot on the soccer field or a sharp turn on the […]

Knee Pain Making Your Glory Days Feel Like Ancient History?

Knee Pain, Knee Surgery, Knee Surgeon

Does your nagging knee pain remind you of your glory days as a star athlete perhaps being queen (or king) of your rec league? If you’re like many active adults, you’ve been competing in one form or another most of your life. But if an incoming weather front makes you think more about Advil than […]

Meniscal Tear

Knee Meniscus Diagram

[av_textblock size=” font_color=” color=”] Signs & Symptoms | Causes | Diagnosis | Prevention | Treatment | Conservative | Surgery | Rehabilitation [/av_textblock] [av_textblock size=” font_color=” color=”] A meniscal tear is a rupturing of one or more of the fibrocartilage strips in the knee called menisci. When doctors and patients refer to “torn cartilage” in the knee, they actually may be […]

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