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Knee Pain Making Your Glory Days Feel Like Ancient History?

Knee Pain, Knee Surgery, Knee Surgeon

Does your nagging knee pain remind you of your glory days as a star athlete perhaps being queen (or king) of your rec league? If you’re like many active adults, you’ve been competing in one form or another most of your life. But if an incoming weather front makes you think more about Advil than […]

Avoid the Most Common Skiing Knee Injuries When Hitting the Slopes

common skiing knee injuries

It’s time to hit the slopes! Crested Butte has gotten 112 inches of snow in January alone, and most of Summit county has at least a 60-inch base. But with all that fresh powder, it’s easy to get bogged down in a turn or just plain worn out. Common skiing knee injuries happen when people […]

Non-surgical treatments for knee arthritis

Knee arthritis

As we outlined in our first knee arthritis post in this three-part series, there is no cure for knee arthritis, so beware of ‘miracle cures’ that claim otherwise. If you have knee pain and think it might be knee arthritis, getting treatment can still reduce pain and minimize or delay long-term damage. There are many […]

Knee Arthritis

Knee arthritis

[av_textblock size=” font_color=” color=” custom_class=”] Causes | Treatment | Surgery [/av_textblock] [av_textblock size=” font_color=” color=” custom_class=”] Arthritis is inflammation in the joints or area of the body where two bones come together. Joints are responsible for the movement of body parts. It is a condition that can be experienced all over the body or in a […]

ACL tear: causes, symptoms and treatment options for this common knee injury

Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL)

Knee pain and knee injuries such as an ACL tear are all too common occurrences, whether you compete in organized sports or play recreationally. Like many knee injuries, an ACL tear is often caused by movements that we see in sports like tennis, basketball and football, such as landing flat on your heels or planting […]

Meniscal Tear

Knee Meniscus Diagram

[av_textblock size=” font_color=” color=”] Signs & Symptoms | Causes | Diagnosis | Prevention | Treatment | Conservative | Surgery | Rehabilitation [/av_textblock] [av_textblock size=” font_color=” color=”] A meniscal tear is a rupturing of one or more of the fibrocartilage strips in the knee called menisci. When doctors and patients refer to “torn cartilage” in the knee, they actually may be […]

Do you miss your meniscus? Q&A with Dr.Wayne Gersoff

knee pain

At Advanced Orthopedics, we know that active lifestyles are a way of life in Colorado, and knee pain shouldn’t get in the way of your day-to-day activities or your fitness. There are multiple causes of knee pain and today we’ll answer 3 questions about one commonly damaged area: meniscus cartilage. What are the menisci? They […]

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